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How to Add Branding to Your Presentation

If you use 360° presentations to show properties to your clients, point for you. Your real estate agency is seen as modern and professional, and you raise the representative value of your agency. You also send a message to your potential clients that they can get 360° properties tour – it’s a part of your unique offer. It works on your social media canals and your website. Imagine that someone checking your agency’s Facebook profile and see most of your offer presented by 360° presentations. Those presentations are more effective when having one visual accent which is your branding, your visual identity. This subtle element is an excellent way to mark your offer and makes that viewers will better remember your real estate agency.

Now, how to go about it. There are a few steps for you to add branding to your 360 photos.

Step 1.

Add the logo of your agency to the presentation by complementing the agency’s branding in profile in the Evryplace app. All you need to do is open your profile settings, and add an agency logo that will be a permanent element of your presentations. From now on all your presentations will have a logo embedded in your 360° tours.

Step 2.

360° photography is the most significant medium for real estate, but it also has imperfections – the most common one is the camera tripod, visible when looking down. Why fight with imperfections, it’s better to find an effective way to cover them up. 360° technology allows hiding that kind of unwanted elements. Nadir is the point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer, it’s where the tripod stand. And that’s a perfect place for your logo. What you need to do is prepare logo in the oval version and cover what you don’t want to show on the 360° tours. That is an additional advantage of Evryplace branding option.

Step 3.

You can also turn the 360° presentations into an actual sales offer, a part of your property catalog. Take the advantage of the attention the
360° presentations give you and try converting on it by adding your contact details to the actual presentation.
In the presentation settings, you can assign an agent to the property with contact details and a portrait, allowing viewers to reach out to your agents directly from the presentation.

Step 4.

If you want to present a property that really stands out from your portfolio to the point that it may require a separate branding or identification, you might want to add a small logo next to the presentation name. That is a great solution when the real estate logo is more important than the logo of your agency.

The Final Result

Using the above-shown steps you can add more details information to your presentation and build a brand that will inspire confidence and reflect its professionalism and modernity. That’s why combining the 360 ​​° presentation portfolio with the image of a strong and trustworthy real estate agency seems to be a recipe for success.

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How Virtual Reality Can Complement Real Estate Sales

We are proud to look at the effects of our work in recent years, we can see how much has changed, how much we have learned. Evryplace is the sum of years of experience and knowledge of the real estate industry and the effect of cooperation with strong partners such as Skanska, JLL, and Asari. During these years, we built our know-how, which we want to share with our customers – real estate agents.

The following series of articles will contain useful tips to get your real estate sale exceptional with the help of immersive media – Virtual Reality and 360° property tours. So make yourself comfortable and follow our hints to impress prospective buyers. Welcome to our guide!

360° imagery – a higher level of immersion

The best way to distinguish your offer from the competition is to use interactive and immersive content. Imagine that your sales team can quickly show any place in three dimensions and amaze prospective buyers. They can virtually enter the property and walk around as if visiting the property in real life.

There is actually a scientific proof why the immersive media is more intuitive to property buyers, when compared with 2D media and floorplans. But even without the backing of science, by simply walking through of a property in VR you can get the feel of it’s size and layout – something no gallery of images can replicate. than a slides gallery can deliver. Your clients will be able to more naturaly understand the flow of the property – where is the second toilete located? How do you get to the second floor? Are there any awkward areas . In the end the better informed client is the one more likely to book a real life property tour and convert on it.

VR gives you a 24H Open House

What is unique about VR Real Estate Sales, is that it gives you a 24/7 open house – virtually visiting the property is possible during the day and the night, without bookings or scheduling any trips. And if your client picks up the phone to ask more questions about a property you can instantly start a co-viewing tour — showcase the property on your client screen (mobile or desktop) just as if you would start a conferencing call. Majority of the property enquires are over the phone, this is why we designed this shared viewing experience to help agents smoothly switch from a property phone inquiry to a virtual property showcase without breaking a phone call.
JLL Poland has been successfully using 360 remote presentations as part of their marketing strategy targeting clients from abroad, looking to relocate their offices to the capital of Poland, Warsaw.

This is a first of articles in the “360° and Real Estate Sales” series, where we will take a closer look at some of our cases working with JLL, Skanska, Asari but also local real estate agents. We will tell you, among other things, how to use VR in Real Estate Sales, what can be the costs and how easy is that. The future of Real Estate is already here, within your reach. Trust us.

Five misconceptions about 360° real estate tours, your competitors dealt with.

More and more MLS platforms are implementing VR and 360° tools. Services as ASARI, Galactica (two largest MLS services in Poland) already use 360° imagery in their property offers, which means you can easily add immersive content to your property marketing. Despite the facts, agents are still undecided on the technology. If you’re still uncertain, we’re here to dispel any doubts — here are the five 360° tech misconceptions your competitors live without.

1. 360° photography is difficult to produce

Nothing could be further from the truth! Modern 360° cameras are simple to operate, every real estate agent can capture photo session of the property in a few minutes. There is no need to photoshoot a space in multiple angles and in similar light conditions or taking numerous reshoots. So if you think that 360° photography is difficult to produce, unfortunately, you’re wrong. Modern cameras allow us to create immersive tours and make it even easier than with a compact camera or a mobile device. Don’t stick with 2D photos just because you’re afraid of new tech solution. Read on and see how easy and affordable it is.

Agent creating a 360° property tour using Theta V camera and Evryplace mobile app.

2. 360° cameras are costly

Matterport, the most popular 360° solution on the real estate market, is not a bargain solution. However, it doesn’t have to be so. Handy and easy to use 360° cameras like the Ricoh Theta V is all you need to create professional tours for the properties in your offer. It is a cost of around 350 EUR, which is very close to the price you need to pay for a regular 2D camera. When compared to Matterport or 360° DSLR sets, you are not only saving today but also reducing the risk of ending up with a gadget that didn’t earn it’s worth. Ricoh Theta V is also guaranteed the absence of additional cost of the technological upgrade in two or three years. So we have a winner.

Matterport vs Theta V or creating real estate property tours.

3. The tour creation process is complicated and time-consuming

Evryplace has been designed with real estate agents in mind, and after over two years of development and feedback, we focused on delivering an easy-to-use tool for agents and brokers. The goal was to create a software that works with inexpensive handy 360° camera and create a property tour before the agent leaves the door of a property. Using the mobile Evryplace app, you will be able to automatically turn captured images into a web presentation ready for publishing. All you need to do is log in to app, sync images from the Theta camera and choose ‘Create a presentation.’ The whole process is only a matter of seconds.

Agent using Evryplace mobile app to create a 360 tour of a property.
Evryplace mobile app allows agents to create presentations during a site visit

4. It’s just a fad

Actually, the increased interest in 360° technology is very noticeable. Airbnb shifted the market of hospitality significantly by turning property owners into active and engaged agents. On Airbnb forum people ask for the option of adding a virtual tour to their offer, they want to strengthen their presentation. For property owners advertising on Aribnb, a 360° property tour is an obvious method of making the offer more attractive, more and engaging. The convincing argument that the trend for 360° technology will continue is that more and more real estate CRM and MLS systems are implementing the options to include immersive media. This proves immersive media for real estate is quickly becoming a market standard.

5. Virtual reality and 360° imagery is not really that different to 2D

Wrong again. According to a study made by the 360° experience is twice as impactful on viewers, when compared to traditional media. This means that clients are more likely to make a more aware decision based on immersive media than 2D pictures.

We hope that we dispel the doubts, if you have more questions, please feel welcome to check out our short blog series: What your sales team needs to know about VR Real Estate Sales that explores the ways and methods of turning VR and 360° into the successful marketing strategy.

Three Ways to Make Your Property Sale More Engaging

In the Real Estate industry, there are various methods to encourage prospective online buyers. Although not that obvious, one of the most engaging methods involves using interactive 360° presentations.

Future of Estate presentation is about personalization and multidimensionality to create memorable experiences. Surabhi Kejrival; the Real Estate research leader at the Deloitte; confirms that VR can enable superior experience creation, and it’s going to revolutionize Real Estate industry. There are already multiple big budget investments that utilize virtual reality to push real estate sales and marketing to the next level.

If you read our previous article on 360° cameras on the budget, you probably already know that creating 360° property presentations can be quick and affordable. Here we will look into how to turn an ordinary 360° property viewing into a memorable experience.

Extend your presentation

Any additional content you capture from the visited property – videos or photos, audio commentary or even ambiance can become part of your 360° presentation and create a more engaging experience for your buyers.

Additional videos and photos allow you to focus buyers attetion on a specific detail. While the extended content prospective buyers can watch an instructional video or listen to property tour pitch during their virtual walk; this helps them feel more welcome and keep them longer with your offer.

Thanks to the extended content prospective buyers can watch an instructional video or listen to property tour pitch during their virtual walk; this helps them feel more welcome and keep them longer with your offer.

Give your clients a more informed viewing experience

Clients who are viewing your property adds have different needs and most likely are looking for something special in their new property. So why not give them more options? That neatly hidden cupboard in the corridor? Or maybe you want to show your clients the front yard of a property with the garage door open and closed? Or maybe the property is now fully furnished and will be sold empty and you have the chance to present both states?

It takes only two pictures, and probably 2-3 seconds of your time to capture a different version of the space you’re presenting and include it as part of your scene. However, for buyers, this could be a game changer for or against the property. This gives the agent the chance to understand what can be a decision maker and either convince the client on sale or reduce the number of undecided visitors on the online browsing stage of your offer.

Support your marketing strategy with VR

The 360° imagery presentation is sharable which means that it could be a part of your integral property marketing campaign. There’s no need to create additional content; the showcase can be used on your agency website shared on social media, but what is more important – Evryplace 360° tours are MLS platforms ready. This allows you to include virtual reality real estate tours in your traditional channels and stand out among your competitors.

It’s all about engaging the buyer

With the new generations more attracted by the modern media agents should be looking for more modern ways of engagement and pushing the decision making process closer to online stages of sales. This was real estate agents can be more competitive on the market.

If you want to read more on what can be achieved to help your agency stand out on the market, check out our other article on how to help your agency brand with 360 media.