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Space plan

A space plan is a map for your virtual tour. Mind that Evryplace can not only be used to present real estate but for example in training. In that case space plan can be used as a training plan. Space plan contains points which represent your scenes – clicking it will send the viewer to the scene that they clicked. 

Watch the video (12 seconds) on how the plan works to get a better understanding. 

Space plan allows your viewers to jump straight to the scene they want to see, without the need to visit all the scenes that are between.

How to create a space plan for a virtual tour?

Space plan is a flat graphic file in .jpg or .png format. You can commission creating one, create it yourself or use the one that already exists. Examples of software that allow to create a plan would be Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Figma, CorelDRAW or GIMP.

How to add a space plan to your tour?

(1) On the top bar select Edit plan <pic>
(2) Select New plan and upload the plan file (in .jpg or .png format), or drop your plan in the dotted space.
(3) Add a plan file (in .jpg or .png format)
(1) Name the plan. If you have only one plan you can just name it “Plan”, but if you have more then one – name them specifically.
(2) Drag and drop all the scenes onto the plan.
To rearrange the points representing scenes on the plan click the point and then drag it around.

You can add more than one space plan to your virtual tour. You will want to do that for example when your property has more than one floor.

Space plan in a published tour

In tour viewer space plan can be found under the first from the right button on the bottom bar.
(1) Markers show where your scenes are located on the plan – they can be clicked to go to that scene.
(2) Name of the scene

Mind that after hovering your mouse over a point on a plan you can see its name. You might want to name your scenes right to make better tours (instead of default Scene 1, Scene 2 etc.).

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